Comments Policy

Welcome to Expat Taxes Australia and our Australian expat community! We value your engagement and welcome you to share your questions, discussions, and insights about our blog articles in our blog comments section. Our community thrives on the diverse insights and perspectives of Australian expats from around the globe and from foreign expats in Australia.

To ensure a positive and constructive environment, we’ve established the following comment policy along with some important disclaimers.


To maintain a constructive, positive and respectful environment for all users, please follow these guidelines when commenting on our blog:

  1. Respectful Interaction, Language & Manners: Our blog is a friendly space. Please ensure your comments are polite, respectful and free from offensive language. Avoid offensive, discriminatory, or inflammatory language and never, ever engage in hate-speech.
  2. Use Real Names: Please use your real first name and the initial of your last name when commenting. We value authenticity and transparency in our discussions.
  3. Valid Email: An email address is required for commenting, but it won’t be published or shared. Please use a genuine email to help us maintain the quality of our interactions.
  4. Relevance: Keep your comments relevant to the blog topic. Off-topic and irrelevant comments may be removed to keep discussions focused and valuable.
  5. Respectful Debate: Feel free to question or argue the content, but please refrain from personal attacks. Respect for fellow participants is crucial in our community.
  6. No Spam or Promotion: Please avoid spamming or using the comment section for advertising, self-promotion, or other similar behaviour. Comments should enrich and contribute to the discussion and not be used for personal or commercial gain. Doing otherwise is poor form, disrespectful and opportunistic. If you engage in self-promotion, advertising, spamming or other similar conduct, you may be banned from our site.
  7. Privacy and Confidentiality: Safeguard your privacy and that of others. Do not share sensitive, personal or financial information in your comments.
  8. Moderation Rights: We reserve the right to moderate, edit, or delete any comments and to block access to any individuals who violate these guidelines.
  9. Liability: Comments on our blog are the responsibility of the commenter, not Expat Taxes. By commenting, you agree to hold Expat Taxes harmless from any repercussions or liabilities arising from your comments.


  • General Advice Only: Comments and replies from Expat Taxes Australia, its representatives, or community members are intended for general informational purposes only and do not consider your entire personal or financial situation. They should not be relied upon as professional advice.
  • Not a Substitute for Professional Advice: Our comments are not professional, legal, or financial advice and should not be relied on. Tax laws are intricate and complex and the application of such and can vary widely based on individual circumstances.
  • Always Seek Personalised Advice: We strongly recommend seeking advice tailored to your specific situation from suitably qualified and highly experienced tax professionals. Only personalised advice can adequately and effectively address your unique tax and financial needs.
  • No Liability: Expat Taxes Australia is not liable for actions taken based on information contained in our blog posts, blog comments or any part of our website. This extends to no liability for any third party relying on this information. Commenters are solely responsible for their own posts.

Your Participation Is Appreciated:

Your contributions to our blog discussions are highly valued and appreciated. By commenting, you agree to adhere to this policy and enhance our community with your questions, comments, and insights.

Let’s maintain a helpful, informative, and respectful community for all Australian expats.


If you have any concerns or require specific advice, reach out to our team of expatriate tax specialists at Expat Taxes Australia. With extensive experience over 16 plus years, and with a global client base and clients in over 100 countries, we’re well placed to assist you to navigate your tax situation and your expat adventure with confidence!