Australian expat children

Schooling for Australian expat children

One of the biggest concerns for expat parents is the subject of schooling for their children. It is hard to know which school would suit your child best. It is even harder if the country you are relocating to is far from your current base, …

expat partners

4 big challenges faced by expat partners

So, your partner’s scored an amazing job offer. The problem is, it’s in a country far from home. You don’t want to hold him/her back, but you’re also anxious. What will following your partner overseas mean for you? Here are some challenges you might face …

5 common expat financial mistakes to avoid

Becoming an expat is an ever more popular way to turn your entire life upside down with an all-encompassing adventure. But it’s also easy to make mistakes financially and be left in serious trouble. So here are some common expat financial mistakes that you should …